Wednesday 12 December 2012

Lets get crafty. Innit!

Hellooooooooooooo all! So, I confess, Jot Tittle and Dot was kind of side-lined in the last year as I focused on my new illustration work and my personal blog (which you can see here!) but I wanted to ressurect this wee blog as a platform to gather together awesome artists, imaginative illustrations, groovy graphic designers, clever crafties, potty get the idea. I shan't go on in case you CAN'T STOP LAUGHING. 

This is us. Ressurecting. Innit

So if you are an arty type of any sort, get in touch. I will want some examples of your work (always put your copyright on to protect your images!) and then I will ask you some rather BATTY interview type questions. We don't want to put peeps to sleep with our 'Oh well I've been drawing since I was in the womb..' bull, we want funny, meaningful, bizzare and downright AWESOME. The weirder you are, the better.

Get ready.

Tuesday 6 December 2011

Getting ready for Christmas

The Singer

The Fox

Trifold design
So I've been ticking away on pictures and designs over the last few weeks, and trying to keep myself from getting too chilly now winter is well and truly here!

I've begun taking commissions for Christmas, so if you'd like something special and unique for that special person, drop me a line at Also have a look at the range of prints available on my online shop, free delivery for A3 prints!

I have also officially Christmas-ified my website now, have a look at

Sunday 30 October 2011

New Work and Terminal 1 BMX/Skate Park

Seeing Stars
Girl in Watercolour
Beautiful Monster
So I've been beavering away here on a few new pieces, and I am definitely still all about the ladies. Sorry boys, you just aint doing it for me arty side right now.

I seem to have gone back to inks and paper at the moment- which may be due to the teeeeeeeny flat we have in London and not having space for the canvas monsters! But also it's nice to go back to rework old ideas you had and make them even better. The painting above called Beautiful Monster was a subject I had tried years before, but only now has it come out exactly how I envisioned. It also accidentally became a sort of self portrait. As soon as my other half saw it he said "Is that you? It has your boobies."

Ahh he knows me so well!

I have also recently made a very interesting contact who has passed on my website to the Terminal 1 BMX and Skate Park in the Midlands- and they liked what they saw! I am going to shimmy up there on the 26th November for their Girls Only event, check out their Facebook page to see more info!

A good week I reckon!

Wednesday 7 September 2011

New Artist Fair Feature - Lilamani de Silva

Lilamani is a New Zealander living in London. From an early age the passion to paint and create were part and parcel of Lilamani's life. Although she trained in the sciences, and has spent the last 10 years running her own business, she likes nothing better than to find a quiet moment to think and paint. Having been away from painting for years and years, a friendly challenge between two friends to get back to the things they enjoyed, inspired this resurgence. "Now it's more difficult not to paint than to paint!". Lilamani works in acrylics and paints the world the way she see's it - vibrant, full of life and colour". Her ideas, influences and inspiration come from the natural world, her travels, curiosity, beliefs, family and friendships as well the work of Masters like Van Gogh and Monet.

Lilamani will be exhibiting her works at the New Artist Fair.

New Artist Fair Feature - Marinela Caldarus

Marinela is a passionate artist who creates works full of movement and colour. She says "A good painting should capture your attention for a long time and for me a good painting is that one that express movement, sends you visual messages and that fills your mind with excitment and that wow."
The beauty of spontaneous lines, inspiration from Orthodox culture, symbolism and ornaments represent the philosophy of her work.
She has had many commissions to paint Orthodox churches and this has developed her skills for painting quite quickly, expressive figures, decorativism and self confidence in painting huge areas of empty walls. 

Marinela is exhibiting her art work at the New Artist Fair

Sunday 4 September 2011

New Artist Fair Feature - Mark Powell

Since graduating from Huddersfield University, in which he accidentally enrolled himself onto the fine art course (but haven't we all done that at least once), Mark has had shows across the UK and the US. His practice centers around his beautiful and detailed drawing, for which he will use a biro pen on paper or envelopes he finds, and the painting of whatever slips into his mind at any particular time. This can often seem abstract and unrelated, though this is never the case.

Mark will be displaying his fantastic art work at the New Artist Fair!

Saturday 3 September 2011

New Artist Fair Feature - Kim Alexander

Kim's drawings are fabulously detailed and often surreal; drawings filled with images within images within images.  She loves colours and patterns, and she takes inspiration from all sorts, from interesting textures to molecular biology. This she mixes with images from her own vivid imagination. At the moment she says that her drawings are reflecting her recent interest in beautiful wood grain and the Mayan weavings that she photographed obsessively while she was in Central America.

Kim's drawings are essentially a beautiful set of intricate diaries. If you look closely into the details that make up her hybrid characters and landscapes you can find stories of travels, thoughts, dreams, fantasies and memories. 

Kim says "My work as a 2D animator is symbiotic with my drawing and I love the character design of Sylvain Chomet and Brian Froud, and the surreal animations Blu creates of creatures-within- creatures . Gina Intveen's paintings that hold images-within-images have also provided a lot of inspiration over recent months, as have the detailed organic images of Ernst Haekel."

Kim will be exhibiting her fantastic works at the New Artist Fair!