Sunday 30 October 2011

New Work and Terminal 1 BMX/Skate Park

Seeing Stars
Girl in Watercolour
Beautiful Monster
So I've been beavering away here on a few new pieces, and I am definitely still all about the ladies. Sorry boys, you just aint doing it for me arty side right now.

I seem to have gone back to inks and paper at the moment- which may be due to the teeeeeeeny flat we have in London and not having space for the canvas monsters! But also it's nice to go back to rework old ideas you had and make them even better. The painting above called Beautiful Monster was a subject I had tried years before, but only now has it come out exactly how I envisioned. It also accidentally became a sort of self portrait. As soon as my other half saw it he said "Is that you? It has your boobies."

Ahh he knows me so well!

I have also recently made a very interesting contact who has passed on my website to the Terminal 1 BMX and Skate Park in the Midlands- and they liked what they saw! I am going to shimmy up there on the 26th November for their Girls Only event, check out their Facebook page to see more info!

A good week I reckon!

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