Monday 15 August 2011

New Artist Fair Feature - Brooke Persich

Sometimes it's best the hear what the artist has to say. So here's Brooke from the Brooke view...

"I am not a loyal lover
After dedicating my youth and promising all my ages to my pen I found myself having an affair with a paintset.
What a mess I have made
Although I will not say sorry for my boundless passion
I do not excuse my desire which is the catalyst for my creations.
I have no artistic etiquette and why should I.
I paint with my mouth full and I draw with pencils that are blunt with truth
I drink art until I am drunk with thought and I am a cheap drunk at best,
I spill colour on your white suede shoes and in my paintings I apologise for nothing.
There are two things I am loyal to.
Art and Contradiction."

What a corker!!

Brooke is the second artist I've featured who I will be exhibiting with in the New Artist Fair in September. Visit for full details! Exciting times :)

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