Sunday 3 July 2011

Welcome to Jot, Tittle and Dot

So, as some of you may know (actually I'm guessing most of you wont know, but indulge me) I recently relocated my rather large buttocks back down to London. As an artist, and a skint one at that, London can be rather daunting. It is seen as the place to be with all the opportunities; but unfortunately you can find your costs spiralling well above any money you may be making. Due to this frustration I decided to set up this blog, as a platform for my own art, but also one for others in the same position as me. Gallerys charge you an arm and a leg to have a show just a few days long, and most are not manned - so you would have to do it yourself. I lack a wealthy family member or trust fund to help me do this- like so many, I have to work full time to pay the bills (and the art fees!) so taking weeks off at a time to man exhibitions is tricky. Anyone else know what I mean?! I believe there are those who do. So this blog will feature artists, photographers, crafters of any sort, exhibitions and shows and galleries who are genuinely trying to help struggling artists.

This is not for established artists, it's to help those who are trying to find a little piece of the art world to stand in, so if that's you then contact me!


  1. Hello
    I think your blog is a great idea since it is a way of joining like minded artists and helping them share their creative processes etc. I’m going to keep my eye out on your blog

  2. Ahh thank you! It is a difficult and sometimes lonely industry to be in, I think it's good to try and get creative people together, try to help each other out. If I can just get a few people interested then that would be a good start!
